Liquisolid tablets of furosemide were prepared by using new mathematical model design using cremophor RH 40, synperonic PE/L 81 and PEG 400 as liquid vehicle and avicel, aerosil as carrier and coating material, respectively. Furosemide liquisolid systems were evaluated for its identification of amorphous state within liquisolid system. Depending on flow property, 11 batches were selected for compression out of 45 liquisolid systems. Further for in-vitro dissolution profile directly compressed tablet was compared with that from liquisolid tablets. These studies showed that DR value decreases with increase in drug concentration in cremophor or synperonic upto a minimum plateau dissolution rate and there is a linear relationship between fraction of molecularly dispersed drug in liquid vehicle and DR. Furosemide had better dissolution profile in cremophor than synperonic and PEG 400. Batch LS 34 having the highest dissolution rate of furosemide.